Don’t Get Sold: Go Independent

Independent insurance agents sell insurance policies from different insurance providers, rather than being captive agents to a single insurance company. We are not considered employees of a specific insurance company and do receive commissions for the policies that we sell. Captive agents are allowed only to sell the policies of the company that they work […]

Understanding How Working with a Single Agent Can Save You Money

There’s no easy way to sugar coat the situation: Sometimes staying covered with the right kind of insurance means forking over a hefty amount of money. However, are you paying extra on your premiums and payments for no other reason than you haven’t explored all your options? If this is the case, you’re missing out […]

Understanding the Benefits of Working with an Independent Insurance Agent

Today’s marketplace is full of global movers and shakers. While there’s nothing wrong with this type of organization, sometimes it’s better to scale things down a bit and bring back the personal approach to doing business. This is especially true when it comes to navigating the tricky waters surrounding your various insurance policies. To help […]