Is Florida Personal Injury Protection About to Pop?

Once upon a time, an experiment with no-fault insurance promised to lower Florida drivers’ insurance rates. Back in 2012, it seemed that no-fault with PIP was the wave of the future, promising to bring relief to drivers hammered by rate increases. Since 2015 rates have gone up by over 25 percent after what had been […]

Florida Needs to Fix Assignment of Benefits

Assignment of Benefits started out as a great idea that would allow homeowners to rapidly make repairs to their home by assigning the insurance payout to their contractor. Sounds awesome, right? A pipe breaks in the middle of the night and damages everything on the first floor, or smoke and water damage from a fire […]

What is Keeping Millennials From Buying a Home?

It’s time that we stopped referring to Millennials as kids. The oldest members of the cohort are now in their mid-30s, and by large the only ones who are still in school are now postgrad. Yet again the press is bemoaning the fact that this generation has put off getting into the homeowning market far […]

Just got a Drone? Will Your Homeowners Insurance Be Enough?

If you had a drone under the Christmas tree, you were not alone, as these unmanned aircraft are a popular gift. But if you have been winging around without a care in the world, then we need to bring you down to Earth. There is one hard and fast fact that you need to be […]

What Insurance Does my Business Need for Drones?

Unless you are already the owner and operator of a drone, you might not know that the FAA finalized rules regarding drones in August 2016. The FAA fully expects that within a year of these regulations being issued, that over 600,000 units will be in commercial use – from 20,000 drones that were registered by […]

Weirdest Insurance Claims in 2016

When the most you can say about 2016 is that it was an alright year, it’s time to lighten up with a few tales of insurance mayhem. Here are just a few of the strangest occurrences that may have caused an insurance agent to reconsider their life, and look at their choices. 1. Man’s house […]

Insurance Checklist for 2017

The new year is coming around again, and just like changing the batteries in your smoke detectors, it’s time to review your insurance coverage to make sure that you are covered for any changes in your status, or just to shop around for better rates. Here’s a little checklist to keep you on track! Homeowner’s/ […]

What to Know Before Listing Your Air BnB Miami Rental

It may not be possible to have a neutral opinion on Air BnB, the once quirky 2008 startup that permitted travelers to couch-surf the world over. In a few short years, the short term rental market has bloomed, with homeowners using the extra income to claw themselves out of the recession and apartment dwellers to […]

Florida Buyer Beware New Home Construction Defects

Anyone who remembers the housing boom that occurred prior to 2008 remembers that houses went up very quickly. It was impressive then to see the speed at which a vacant lot could be turned in to a housing development. Ten years down the road, what is less impressive is the track record of national homebuilders […]

Avoid Escrow Fraud and Work with Licensed Agent

Escrow fraud is not a new problem, it’s been covered in the media for years. Florida’s CFO has issued a press release concerning the conduct of an unlicensed Miami man who represented himself as an insurance agent, and stands charged with 72 counts of fraud. George Garcia, 69, is suspected of embezzling nearly $50,000 in […]