Understanding the Benefits of Working with an Independent Insurance Agent

Today’s marketplace is full of global movers and shakers. While there’s nothing wrong with this type of organization, sometimes it’s better to scale things down a bit and bring back the personal approach to doing business. This is especially true when it comes to navigating the tricky waters surrounding your various insurance policies. To help […]

The Truth About Having a PIP/PD Only Policy

While it might not be your favorite topic for a dinnertime family discussion, there are few things more important than what kind of auto insurance you have associated with your vehicles. If you’re on the fence when it comes to this assertion, all it takes is being involved in one accident to completely change your […]

Understanding What the Citizen’s Insurance Rate Decrease Means for You

Sometimes it feels like there’s not a whole lot of nice things to say about your property insurance policy, especially when you see the bill sitting in your mailbox. If this describes your outlook regarding Citizens Property Insurance, you might be humming a more upbeat tune soon. Taking effect in 2015 is a new rate […]

Avoiding Homeowners Insurance Fraud at the Hands of Your Contractor

Your home is a sanctuary. It’s where you go to get away from the stress of the outside world and spend time with those closest to you. Unfortunately, just because your home is a special place doesn’t mean that it is impervious to the threat of fraudulent activity. In fact, the Nebraska Department of Insurance’s […]

The Truth Behind Skipping out on Worker’s Compensation Insurance

The old saying, “you have to spend money to make money” takes on a whole new meaning when you’re the one in charge of a business. Whether you’re at the helm of a Fortune 500 operation, or you’re just starting up a local company, the expenses that come with this endeavor can be pretty overwhelming. […]

Do You Really Need Flood Insurance If You Don’t Live In a Flood Zone?

During tough economic times, everyone’s looking to save a few bucks here and there, especially when it comes to major expenses like insurance. However, skimping on coverage is a quick way to find yourself in a pretty precarious position when disaster strikes. Sure, it might not seem like you need flood insurance, especially if you […]

Do You Really Need a Business Owner Policy?

Running a business, large or small, comes with plenty of responsibility. From keeping the accounting side of things on the straight and narrow to connecting with customers in your area, your plate is already full. Unfortunately, just because you have all of these other duties clogging up your day doesn’t mean you can ignore the […]